Jesus died as our Passover Lamb
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
Passover, Descent into and Ascent out of Red Sea are the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection
Passover, Descent into and Ascent out of Red Sea are the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection
The Lamb of God on the Throne, Mark of God’s Name, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God [2019]
The Lamb of God on the Throne, Mark of God's Name, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God [2019]
The Lamb of God on the Throne, Mark of God’s Name, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God (part 2) [2019]
The Lamb of God on the Throne, Mark of God's Name, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God (part 2) [2019]
Jesus died as our tool to loosen
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
Jesus Ransomed Us from the Devil? Jesus, the Tool to Loosen from Sin.
Jesus Ransomed Us from the Devil? Jesus, the Tool to Loosen from Sin.
Jesus died as our tool against loosening
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
What Does Jesus Keep Us from Being Set Free From?
What Does Jesus Keep Us from Being Set Free From?
Imputation of righteousness in logidzomai?
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
Coming soon...
Jesus died that you might be crucified
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
Baptism and Noah and the Ark are that Crucifixion of You!
Christians NOT Living Up to Expectations of God – the Bible says
Christians NOT Living Up to Expectations of God - the Bible says
Jesus died to waken your heart in Empathy for Jesus and other sinners
In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the presuppositions of theological frameworks. That means we are not assuming there was a ransom paid nor a substitution nor a penal substitution. We want to know what the text says were the actual reasons. As we have examined the texts in this way we find a few reasons are mentioned directly and they all work together for our salvation in the end.
Empathy of Jesus is the Power of God for YOU!
Empathy of Jesus is the Power of God for YOU!
How the empathy of Christ on the Cross is the source of our empathy for Jesus in his sufferings and toward others suffering around us. This is how we have victory over all difficulties in life. Romans 8
How Jesus Dying Saves You!
How Jesus Dying Saves You!
From the comments under the video:
@michaelnelson9211 : Why Are People So ANTI-SALVATION?
@TheRootedWord : Even those declaring themselves “Christians” reject being saved by Jesus.
@michaelnelson9211 : why?
@TheRootedWord : Because what Jesus did to become the lutron and antilutron and the Paascha Lamb were finished on the Cross, but there was more for him to do for our Salvation in taking the keys to death and Hades when he descended into Hades and the Resurrection to become the first to raise from the dead into the incorruptible body and then there are the things we must do for our salvation through Jesus’ works, like the specifics mentioned in Romans 10 believing in our hearts that God raised him from the dead and confessing out loud with our lips that Jesus is Lord (“and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” v. 10) and our remaining humble under to continue doing good in order to seek glory, honor and immortality to receive eternal life (Romans 2.7 “Eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality”). Have I blown your mind yet on what the Scriptures really mean when it says “that whoever believes in him may not perish but may have everlasting life”? [John 3.16)
Are You Feeling the Pain of Jesus’ Empathy?
Are You Feeling the Pain of Jesus' Empathy?
How the empathy of Christ on the Cross is the source of our empathy for Jesus in his sufferings and toward others suffering around us. This is how we have victory over all difficulties in life. Romans 8