Video Series Articles

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament Many Christians are taught that law is reprehensible and that it stands in contrast to grace. This is a devious move by the enemy. For the definition of grace as been subtly changed and the idea of law is strongly upheld and...


Justification Justification is a complicated issue in the New Testament and was the source of the Protestant rebellion called the Protestant Reformation. Justification is not Salvation and it is not the forgiveness of sins. Most Protestants are confused about this....

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount is the first public teaching of Jesus as an adult. It begins with The Beatitudes which a series of verses starting with "Supremely blessed are...".The entire Sermon on the Mount is contained within Matthew 5-7 and only...

Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus died as our Passover Lamb In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the...

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament Many Christians are taught that law is reprehensible and that it stands in contrast to grace. This is a devious move by the enemy. For the definition of grace as been subtly changed and the idea of law is strongly upheld and...

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Justification Justification is a complicated issue in the New Testament and was the source of the Protestant rebellion called the Protestant Reformation. Justification is not Salvation and it is not the forgiveness of sins. Most Protestants are confused about this....

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The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount The Sermon on the Mount is the first public teaching of Jesus as an adult. It begins with The Beatitudes which a series of verses starting with "Supremely blessed are...".The entire Sermon on the Mount is contained within Matthew 5-7 and only...

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Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus died as our Passover Lamb In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any particular theory at anytime in Church history is correct. We are approaching it from the text itself and asking what it actually says, apart from the...

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From these videos you learn truly biblical evangelism stripped of its modern Evangelical cultural baggage. You must conform to the Testimony of God and quit conforming to the cultures that have infiltrated the gatherings of believers.Biblical Evangelism (part 1)...

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How to Stop Sinning

There are entire theological doctrines built because men refuse to stop their sins. Those doctrines are theological constructs to avoid doing what God commands us through the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ. Will you be one of...

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