The Sermon on the Mount is the first public teaching of Jesus as an adult. It begins with The Beatitudes which a series of verses starting with “Supremely blessed are…”.The entire Sermon on the Mount is contained within Matthew 5-7 and only appears in Matthew. Some individual teachings have parallels in other accounts of Jesus by Mark, Luke, and John. The video series here uses The Rooted Word translation in the Common English Edition for the teachings.
Supremely blessed - The Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5.1-16)
61 views31.10.2021 [1:15]
We read through Matthew 5.1-16 Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in The Rooted Word translation. It includes teaching on the passage.
The Rooted Word translation online
40-Day Jesus Challenge
1But staring intently at the throngs, he steps up into the mountain and due to sitting himself down accordingly, his disciples approach him.
2And he, opening up his mouth, was teaching them, laying forth saying:
3Supremely blessed are the ones crouching from a fall and about to fly away, poor in the spirit, that the royalty of the heavens is theirs.
4Supremely blessed are the ones grieving, that they will be called alongside.
5Supremely blessed are the mild ones, that they will inherit a part of the soil of the earth.
6Supremely blessed are the ones pining from toiling for daily sustenance, thirsting for the equitable justice, that they will be supplied food of a courtyard garden in abundance.
7Supremely blessed are the compassionate ones that they will receive compassion.
8Supremely blessed are the purged clean ones in the heart, that they will stare at to discern the God.
9Supremely blessed are the peacemakers, that they will be called openly sons of God.
10Supremely blessed are those having been made to flee on account of equitable justice, that the royalty of the heavens is theirs.
11Supremely blessed are you all being whenever they may defame you by name calling and may pursue and may lay forth every toiling harmful utterance against you, uttering falsely on account of me.
12You all must be cheerful and be jumping for joy that your compensation is much in the heavens. For in this way they pursue the prophets, those before you.
13You are the salt of the Earth. But in case that the salt may have its mouth shut up as a foolish simpleton, in what way will it be salted? It is holding its force not even into one thing. Yet, if not, it is thrown out and it is being tramped on accordingly, humbly under the human beings.
14You all are being the shining of the whole collection of individuals. A city is not being able to be concealed, lying itself outstretched up upon a mountain.
15They are not even setting on fire a lamp and placing it under the bushel, but upon the lampstand and it is radiating brilliantly to all those in the dwelling.
16In this way, the shining of you all must radiate brilliantly in the front of the human beings, in the manner that they may stare at to discern from you all the beautifully good actions and they may render a glorious reputation for your Father, the one in the heavens.
Jesus' Teachings Fill Up What Is Lacking In the Law - Sermon on the Mount
56 views31.10.2021 [1:30]
"You may not be doing by law that I come to loosen down accordingly the law or the prophets. I do not come to loosen down accordingly, but to fill up what is lacking." Matthew 5.17 The Rooted Word.
The Rooted Word translation online
40-Day Jesus Challenge
17You may not be doing by law that I come to loosen down accordingly the law or the prophets. I do not come to loosen down accordingly, but to fill up what was lacking.
How many times has some Christian told you you're going to Hell, because you called another Christian a fool? If i had a dollar for every time I would be rich. They are abusing Jesus' teaching and have been careless with God's Testimony. We'll look closely at a fresh translation of Matthew 5.21-22 to learn exactly what Jesus taught and what the different judgements are and for whom.
21You all hear that it is uttered to the ancestors, “You will not murder!” But whoever in the case that he may murder will himself be held in to the dividing by decision.
22But I am laying forth to you all that each one being provoked to an anger that reaches forward in desire and excited passion of mind to his brother, for weak reason, will himself be held in to the dividing by decision. But whoever in the case that he lays forth to his brother, “You useless, worthless villain!” shall himself be held in to the joint council of the Sanhedrin. But whoever in the case that he lays forth, “Moron, with your mouth shut up as a foolish simpleton!” will himself be held in, into the Gehenna of the fire.
Jesus Said To Do and Teach The Law - The Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5.18-26)
87 views31.10.2021 [17:37]
Jesus said we should do and teach law. He declares that if our righteousness is not way more than the Scribes and the Pharisees (Separatists) we will by no means at all enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
We have a page on the website now for The Sermon on the Mount with these videos and The Rooted Word verses for that video on the same page.
18For firmly I am laying forth to you, even in case that the heaven and the soil of the earth may come alongside, one tiniest letter or one diacritical tittle may not at all come alongside from off of the law, even in case that everything may itself come to be.
19Certainly, whoever in such a case that he may loosen one of the shortest of these final authoritative injunctions and may teach in this way the human beings, will be called shortest in the royalty of the heavens. But who in such a case that he may do and may teach such, will be called big in the royalty of the heavens.
20For I am laying forth to you all that in such a case that the equitable righteousness of you all may not superabound more than that of the Scribes and Separatists, you may absolutely not enter into the royalty of the heavens.
21You all hear that it is uttered to the ancestors, “You will not murder!” But whoever in the case that he may murder will himself be held in to the dividing by decision.
22But I am laying forth to you all that each one being provoked to an anger that reaches forward in desire and excited passion of mind to his brother, for weak reason, will himself be held in to the dividing by decision. But whoever in the case that he lays forth to his brother, “You useless, worthless villain!” shall himself be held in to the joint council of the Sanhedrin. But whoever in the case that he lays forth, “Moron, with your mouth shut up as a foolish simpleton!” will himself be held in, into the Gehenna of the fire.
23Certainly, in the case that you may bear forward your gift upon the place of rushing in with hard breath to sacrifice at the altar and there you may be reminded that your brother is holding something against you accordingly,
24you must send from off of there your gift in front of the place of rushing in with hard breath to sacrifice at the altar and you must lead humbly under. First and foremost you must be thoroughly made differently to your brother and at that time coming, you must bear forwards your gift.
25You must be existing as good- and true-minded to the one thinking he is right against you, swiftly, until during which same time if in the road amidst him the one thinking he is right against you may never give you alongside to the judge who casts decision and the judge gives you alongside to the subordinate officer and into a jail of guarding you will be thrown.
26Firmly, I am laying forth to you. You may not at all come out from that place until in case that you may give from off of you the final penny.
Control Your Mind, Eyes, Hands, & Tongue! - Sermon on the Mount
77 views31.10.2021 [18:03]
Matthew 5.27-37
We have a page on the website now for The Sermon on the Mount with these videos and The Rooted Word verses for that video on the same page.
27You all hear that it is uttered, “You will not commit adultery!”
28But I am laying forth to you all that each one looking at a woman towards that point of entering in upon a hard breath to sacrifice for her even now commits adultery for her in his heart.
29But if your receiving eye is ensnaring you, you must yourself take it out and you must throw it off from you. For it is bearing together in contribution to you, in order that it may itself completely destroy off in your limb and your whole body may not be thrown into Gehenna.
30And if the receiving palm of your hand is ensnaring you, you must chop it off and you must throw it off from you. For it is bearing together in contribution to you, in order that it may itself completely destroy off in your limb and your whole body may not be thrown into Gehenna.
31But it is uttered that whoever in the case that he may loosen off from him his wife must give to her an official separation.
32But I am laying forth to you all that whoever in case that he may loosen off from him his wife, with the exception of a laying forth an accusation of exchanging herself for lust in illicit sex, is making her commit adultery and whoever in case that having been loosened off from, then marries, commits adultery.
33Yet again, you hear that it is uttered to the ancestors, “You will not commit to setting upon a limit, but you will completely give off to the Lord your limit.”
34But I am laying forth to you all to not swear an oath, not at all either in the heaven, that it is a throne of God,
35nor in the soil of the earth, that it is a place humbly under foot of his feet, nor into Jerusalem, that it is a city of the great royal sovereign,
36nor may you swear in your head, that you yourself are being incapable to make one white hair or black.
37But your laid forth word must be “Yes, yes”, “No, no.” But in excess of these it is existing from out of the harmful evil.
How Much Do You Love Jesus? Control Your Body to Show You Love Him.
103 views31.10.2021 [19:33]
Matthew 5.29-30 You love Jesus so much you are willing to cut off your hand to stop your hand from making your body sin. That love is great! But take that same love and FORCE your hand to obey! "If you love me you will keep my commandments." ~Jesus. You love Jesus! Make your body love Jesus! Obey His commandments. If you are willing to obey one of Jesus' most extreme teachings, then you love him so much that you can make your body obey you. Obey Jesus because you love Him....
29But if your receiving eye is ensnaring you, you must yourself take it out and you must throw it off from you. For it is bearing together in contribution to you, in order that it may itself completely destroy off in your limb and your whole body may not be thrown into Gehenna.
30And if the receiving palm of your hand is ensnaring you, you must chop it off and you must throw it off from you. For it is bearing together in contribution to you, in order that it may itself completely destroy off in your limb and your whole body may not be thrown into Gehenna.
Jesus' Hardest Teaching. Do it! - Sermon on the Mount
131 views02.11.2021 [4:06]
Matthew 5.38-48
This is where Jesus' toughest teaching is. It is so hard to do that many just forget about it and become mean and terrorizing people who call themselves Christians. Do what Jesus says!...
38You all hear that it is uttered, “An eye opposite an eye and a tooth opposite a tooth!”39But I am laying forth to you all to not stand opposed to the harmful evil, but one who will slap you upon the receiving side of your jaw, you must twist to him also the other.40Also to the one determining towards you that you be divided by decision and to get hold of your shirt, you must send off to him also the clothing.41Also one who will send you as a courier one thousand paces, you must lead humbly under amidst him two.42To the one asking you, you must give and for the one determining from off of you to yourself loan on interest, you may not twist off from him.43You all hear that it is uttered, “You will love the one near you and you will detest the one hateful of you.”44But I am laying forth to you all, “You all must love the ones hateful of you. You all must be laying forth good and true words for the ones cursing you all. You must be doing well to those detesting you all and you must yourselves be wishfully praying forwards over the ones threatening upon you all and those pursuing you all.”45In that manner, you all may come to be sons of your father, the one in the heavens, that he is bringing up the Sun high above upon hurtful evil ones and good ones and he is showering rain upon the equitably just ones and the inequitable ones.46For in the case that you may love those loving you all, what compensation are you holding? Are not indeed the tax collectors also doing that itself?47And in the case that you may yourselves only be embracing the ones loving you all with brotherly fondness, what superabounding thing are you all doing? Are not indeed the tax collectors also doing that itself?48Certainly, you will yourselves be complete just as your father, the one in the heavens, is being complete.