Was Paul a Hypocrite?

Paul declared: 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. 1 Corinthians 15 [KJV] In the verse preceding we find that those we become companions with to spend time with erode our morality. They even...

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If You Don’t Obey Jesus, Then Who Are You?

This is from a brief exchange on YouTube on 5 January 2022.     selpingos 3 hours ago Once again based on the above, all you guys are interested in is to slander someone and to WIN the fight against another brother ( whom you don't consider a brother of...

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Faith in What for Salvation?

You hear many things come from the lips of those who profess to be Christians. We must know the truth so we can avoid the false. Today, let us consider salvation. What do we believe in for salvation? Is it the gospel? Is it the Church? Is it the Bible? Is it the Word...

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Why Christian Musicians are Going to Hell

In reaction to a Matthew West video I have written a clear explanation why Christian musicians are false teachers and are going to Hell. Here are the comments. My Comment This is pitiful. He is just a copycat of the world. We are called OUT OF the world! We are not to...

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Lordship of Sinful Nature

Lordship of Sinful Nature This is perhaps the most devious and foundational of all the heresies. For it flies directly in the face of our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Through this doctrine the apostate churches declare that famous phrase "I can't help but...

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No One Holier Than Anyone Else

No One Holier Than Anyone Else One devious way they push this is by setting up the straw man that you should not put any man up on a pedestal. Then they can knock that straw man over easily. But in the process they are convincing people to also consider everyone on...

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COVID-19 Pandemic Research

COVID-19 Pandemic Research This is where you can find important information related to the COVID-19 Pandemic All of the materials will be hosted by The Rooted Word for the purposes of cultural archive and cultural education. This move has been done to take the control...

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The 10 Commandments in the New Testament

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament Many Christians are taught that law is reprehensible and that it stands in contrast to grace. This is a devious move by the enemy. For the definition of grace as been subtly changed and the idea of law is strongly upheld and...

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12 Foolish Doctrines

12 Foolish Doctrines The Apostasy is the great standing off from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a movement under the guise of Christianity that occurs at the End Times. The Apostasy sets up the stage for the False Prophet who will do miracles to deceive people who...

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Justification Justification is a complicated issue in the New Testament and was the source of the Protestant rebellion called the Protestant Reformation. Justification is not Salvation and it is not the forgiveness of sins. Most Protestants are confused about this....

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How to Stop Sinning

There are entire theological doctrines built because men refuse to stop their sins. Those doctrines are theological constructs to avoid doing what God commands us through the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ. Will you be one of...

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From these videos you learn truly biblical evangelism stripped of its modern Evangelical cultural baggage. You must conform to the Testimony of God and quit conforming to the cultures that have infiltrated the gatherings of believers.Biblical Evangelism (part 1)...

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