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What is The Rooted Word?

The Rooted Word is a Bible translation. It adheres strictly to specific translation rules to yield an English translation of the original Greek text that is closer than any previous translation to the Testimony of God. Doctrinal assumptions are ignored. Figurative language is put aside as interpretation.

  • There are two editions of The Rooted Word: The Precise English Edition and The Common English Edition.
  • You can access the interface to the translation of The Rooted Word in progress here.
  • The Common English Edition is easier to read than The Precise English Edition.
  • The Precise English Edition gets you closer to the Greek than the Common English Edition

What is on the website?

The Rooted Word has many kinds of original resources you will not find anywhere else. These include the following:

You can also find all of these and more up in the menu above.

Jonas - The Rooted Word Bible (pdf)

Common English Edition – TRW Bible

From the oldest Bible in the world – Greek Septuagint LXX (download pdf)


Dates of important translations and manuscripts for the Old Testament

Avoiding False Teachers - Survey to Evaluate a Pastor or Teacher

This is a survey you can use to privately evaluate a pastor, teacher, or church or you can use by asking a pastor or a teacher to complete prior to attending his church or YouTube channel. Answer Key is at the end of the file.

Sins Forgiven After Death - in the Bible

Ever wondered whether sins could be forgiven after you die? Or whether a loved one might hear the Gospel after death? Read what the Bible says about it. Download our PDF. Inside the PDF each chapter has a picture that links to the corresponding video on YouTube, if you prefer that media. Get this free PDF study file now.

Can my sins be forgiven after I die?

We know without a doubt, from Jesus's own statements, that some sins will be forgiven after death. This is directly...

Is the Gospel preached to some after they die?

So, I made a video before, talking about the possibility of some people being able to hear the Gospel after they die....

Can Some Sins Be Forgiven After Death?

Review of 1 Peter 3: Gospel After Death So, this is an addendum to the Gospel after death, and this is the question:...

Bible Translations (Versions)

Introduction to Bible Translations (aka versions of the Bible)There have been many attempts to translate the...

Letter of Eusebius of Caesarea to his church regarding the Nicene Creed

Ancient source used: Athanasius, Defense of the Nicene Definition 33 (1.) Beloved, since rumors usually travel faster...

God’s Mercy

God's Mercy This is a short series on God's Mercy. [youtube-feed type="single" layout="list" num="3"...

Jesus is Directly Called God

Jesus is called God TRW = The Rooted Word translation WYC = Wycliffe translation KJV = King James Version translation...

The Gospel

What is the Gospel, According to Jesus and the Apostles? In the Gospel according to Mark, it is written: Now after...

Was Paul a Hypocrite?

Paul declared: 34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your...

Faith in What for Salvation?

You hear many things come from the lips of those who profess to be Christians. We must know the truth so we can avoid...

Lordship of Sinful Nature

Lordship of Sinful Nature This is perhaps the most devious and foundational of all the heresies. For it flies directly...

No One Holier Than Anyone Else

No One Holier Than Anyone Else One devious way they push this is by setting up the straw man that you should not put...

Why Did Jesus Die?

Jesus died as our Passover Lamb In approaching this subject we are not beginning with an assumption that any...

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Old Testament

Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) Most translations of the Old Testament into English, even as early as the KJV, have relied...

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Bible Versions

Bible Versions While The Rooted Word is in progress there are parts that are not yet translated. For those parts you...

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